Ryan Mracek | Edmonton Real Estate
Keylo Inc

About Ryan Mracek


I recognize and value the trust my clients’ place in me, and I strive to exceed their expectations.

 Keylo Inc has a simple VISION: Make it so anyone can buy and sell a home at a fair market value instantly and painlessly. We started as the most significant Canadian REALTOR® ranking site to help consumers, but it wasn’t enough. We could only analyze and recommend the best REALTORS®, but what if we could do more to help consumers? I became very frustrated at how slow the industry was moving. The definition of insanity is “Doing the same things repeatedly and expecting different results.”

Thus Keylo Inc., the Edmonton real estate brokerage, was born. As the founder of Keylo Inc. (Canada-wide) and the broker of Keylo.ca here in Edmonton. I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to work directly with clients—no middle man or bait and switch. You get to talk directly to me.


We noticed that when buying or selling a home it’s often you, the client alone or you vs a real estate agent. We wanted to start everything on a different foot. If we partnered with you and we both worked together, how would that look? It looks a lot like Keylo.ca. 

Buyers need a better way to find homes and get educated on the whole process so they can buy with confidence.  That’s why we created BuyMyHomie that starts learning you the moment you use it just like we want to learn all about you. 



Sellers deserve more than list and walk away. Right from day one, we offer Keylo Care, where we monitor and analyze data 24/7. We change your home price up to once a day. It can go up (yes up) or down depending on maximizing its sale value. We’ll also start running you through our whole process when we meet with a plan tailored to you (and yes, we’ll keep showing you that plan in your personalized dashboard).

Tech companies focus too much on features and not enough on benefits to the consumer. Real estate agents focus too much on their marketing and not enough on marketing your home or getting to know your buyers’ needs. We might not instantly buy/sell a home at fair market value yet, but we are working hard to get there as soon as possible. Until we do, we strive to offer you the best solutions available and a whole host of solutions that didn’t exist until we came along.

Do we treat you like family or friends? No. You know those are empty statements from groups that can’t offer you anything but their personality. We do a lot better than that. We partner with you to achieve results neither of us could do alone. Talk to me today to find out more.


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